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Find Peace and Personal Fulfillment by Not Giving a Crap About Anyone

Sociopathy could be your key to success.

Sarah Lofgren
4 min readDec 12, 2019


Everyone claims to have the key to success. Some people will tell you the key to success is waking up at a certain time. Others claim that visualizing your goals while staring pensively out a large window is the key to success. Really bold writers will argue that the key to success is hiding within certain foods or buried in your backyard beneath the weeds and hamster bones.

But, before you pick up that shovel, it’s important to understand one thing.

Those people do not want you to succeed.

Why would they? They don’t know you. They couldn’t say what your favorite color is (magenta) or which foods make you puke (kielbasa). They just want you to read their articles and be impressed.

Well, lucky for you, I’m not interested in impressing anyone today. I’ve got my sweatpants on and I haven’t even brushed my hair.

The first thing you should do is to stop listening to successful people. You’re much better off listening to someone like me, who takes five years to book a dental appointment. I have nothing to lose, so I’ll tell you the truth.

