This creativity game is a tall order.
Keep your heart open so you can carve pathways guiding people to a kinder, wilder world.
At the same time, toughen up. Tune yourself well, so you can find the value in criticism without allowing it to paralyze you, or turn you from the things you know are true. Become immune to rejection. Anesthetize yourself against the dogged persistence of time. (Never mind that time, the bastard, lurks around hallways and laughs in a mocking tone, waiting for his chance to transform us all into cereal crumbles.)
(Time is certainly of the male persuasion. Sorry, dudes.)
It’s not just me—I think recent years have been rough for most of us. Snow fell, rains came, and tourists peed on the beacons when no one was looking.
Persistence, that’s the thing. It’s always been the thing. Motivation is fickle, passion is inconstant, excitement is capricious, keep your nose down, and work, work, work. You’re tired? Everyone is. Wake up earlier. Stay up later. Be slightly smarter, if you can pull it off. Do the laundry. Count the change. Build your platform. Couldn’t hurt to be a little sexy. Push yourself off the cliff and build your wings on the way down (Bradbury)—if you don’t get them done in time, well, maybe next time will hurt less. Keep paying…