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The Snowballing of All My Small, Extremely Ridiculous Habits

One silly step at a time

Sarah Lofgren
3 min readMay 22, 2022


Don’t worry. I’m not going to become a productivity/self help writer. Can you imagine? Most of my productivity hacks don’t translate well to other humans, because they are utter nonsense.

For example, if I’m having a hard time concentrating, I like to put on a hat. I’ve convinced myself that it keeps all the smarts from floating out the top of my head.

That’s not the kind of advice people on normally find helpful.

But, bear with me here.

We have a book club at work. This month we’re reading a book by James Clear called Atomic Habits. I was initially skeptical of this book. If you’ve read much of my writing, you’ve probably picked up on the fact that I’m a little, shall we say… neurospicy. People on twitter will say WILLPOWER in determined voices and insist that WILLPOWER will unlock everything, including fame, fortune, and friendships with influential sea otters (if there aren’t influential sea otters, there should be). But my willpower is a little funky broken and if I rely on it alone I end up baking cheesy crunchy cupcakes when I should be working on my novel.

The hat thing helps.

